GDPR and Privacy


General Data Protection Regulation

How we use your medical records

  • This practice handles medical records in-line with laws on data protection and confidentiality.
  • We share medical records with those who are involved in providing you with care and treatment.
  • In some circumstances we will also share medical records for medical research, for example to find out more about why people get ill.
  • We share information when the law requires us to do so, for example, to prevent infectious diseases from spreading or to check the care being provided to you is safe.
  • You have the right to be given a copy of your medical record.
  • You have the right to object to your medical records being shared with those who  provide you with care.
  • You have the right to object to your information being used for medical research and to plan health services.


Click HERE for details of "General Practice Data for Planning and Research: NHS Digital Transparency Notice - NHS Digital and how to opt out of sharing your data with Third Parties -


Type A One Opt Out Form - this must be returned to the surgery.

Please see here for details of how your information is kept should you use a QR code to log in at a Covid-19 vaccination site.  

NHS QR code venue posters: privacy notice

Please click the link to see the latest updates to the East London Health and Care Partnership Information Sharing Agreement


To help us manage your condition, the doctor or nurse may ask you to send a photograph either via a link they send to you on your mobile phone or using the surgery email address. Please note that the surgery email is for requested pictures/ documents only and should not be used for any other reason.

Please ensure that the picture does not include any intimate parts of the body. The doctor/ nurse will have explained to you how the pictures are to be used and stored.

General Practice Transparency Notice for GPES Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19)

This practice is supporting vital coronavirus (COVID-19) planning and research by sharing your data with NHS Digital.

The health and social care system is facing significant pressures due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Health and care information is essential to deliver care to individuals, to support health, social care and other public services and to protect public health. Information will also be vital in researching, monitoring, tracking and managing the coronavirus outbreak. In the current emergency it has become even more important to share health and care information across relevant organisations. This practice is supporting vital coronavirus planning and research by sharing your data with NHS Digital, the national safe haven for health and social care data in England. 

Our legal basis for sharing data with NHS Digital

NHS Digital has been legally directed to collect and analyse patient data from all GP practices in England to support the coronavirus response for the duration of the outbreak. NHS Digital will become the controller under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) of the personal data collected and analysed jointly with the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, who has directed NHS Digital to collect and analyse this data under the COVID-19 Public Health Directions 2020 (COVID-19 Direction).

All GP practices in England are legally required to share data with NHS Digital for this purpose under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (2012 Act). More information about this requirement is contained in the data provision notice issued by NHS Digital to GP practices.

Under GDPR our legal basis for sharing this personal data with NHS Digital is Article 6(1)(c) - legal obligation. Our legal basis for sharing personal data relating to health, is Article 9(2)(g) – substantial public interest, for the purposes of NHS Digital exercising its statutory functions under the COVID-19 Direction.

The type of personal data we are sharing with NHS Digital

The data being shared with NHS Digital will include information about patients who are currently registered with a GP practice or who have a date of death on or after 1 November 2019 whose record contains coded information relevant to coronavirus planning and research. The data contains NHS Number, postcode, address, surname, forename, sex, ethnicity, date of birth and date of death for those patients. It will also include coded health data which is held in your GP record such as details of:

  • diagnoses and findings
  • medications and other prescribed items
  • investigations, tests and results
  • treatments and outcomes
  • vaccinations and immunisations

How NHS Digital will use and share your data

NHS Digital will analyse the data they collect and securely and lawfully share data with other appropriate organisations, including health and care organisations, bodies engaged in disease surveillance and research organisations for coronavirus response purposes only. These purposes include protecting public health, planning and providing health, social care and public services, identifying coronavirus trends and risks to public health, monitoring and managing the outbreak and carrying out of vital coronavirus research and clinical trials. The British Medical Association, the Royal College of General Practitioners and the National Data Guardian are all supportive of this initiative.

NHS Digital has various legal powers to share data for purposes relating to the coronavirus response. It is also required to share data in certain circumstances set out in the COVID-19 Direction and to share confidential patient information to support the response under a legal notice issued to it by the Secretary of State under the Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002 (COPI Regulations).

Legal notices under the COPI Regulations have also been issued to other health and social care organisations requiring those organisations to process and share confidential patient information to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. Any information used or shared during the outbreak under these legal notices or the COPI Regulations will be limited to the period of the outbreak unless there is another legal basis for organisations to continue to use the information. 

Data which is shared by NHS Digital will be subject to robust rules relating to privacy, security and confidentiality and only the minimum amount of data necessary to achieve the coronavirus purpose will be shared. Organisations using your data will also need to have a clear legal basis to do so and will enter into a data sharing agreement with NHS Digital. Information about the data that NHS Digital shares, including who with and for what purpose will be published in the NHS Digital data release register.

For more information about how NHS Digital will use your data please see the NHS Digital Transparency Notice for GP Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19).

National Data Opt-Out

The application of the National Data Opt-Out to information shared by NHS Digital will be considered on a case by case basis and may or may not apply depending on the specific purposes for which the data is to be used. This is because during this period of emergency, the National Data Opt-Out will not generally apply where data is used to support the coronavirus outbreak, due to the public interest and legal requirements to share information.

Your rights over your personal data

To read more about the health and care information NHS Digital collects, its legal basis for collecting this information and what choices and rights you have in relation to the processing by NHS Digital of your personal data, see:

NHS Digital GPES Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19) Transparency Notice

NHS Digital Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Transparency Notice

NHS Digital General Transparency Notice

NHS Digital looks after your health and care information

Freedom of Information

Information about the General Practitioners and the practice required for disclosure under this act can be made available to the public. All requests for such information should be made to the practice manager.

Subject Access Request

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Access to Health Records Act, patients may request to see their medical records. Such requests should be made through the practice manager and are free of charge. However where the request is unfounded or excessive this maybe subject to an administration charge. No information will be released without the patient consent unless we are legally obliged to do so.

Please see link:- View your GP health record - NHS . Please read Access to Medica Records Leaflet.

We are committed to complying to right of access requests under Data Protection Act 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 

However, the NHS is facing unprecedented challenges relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic at the current time.  Understandably, our resources have been diverted to support our front-line colleagues who are working tremendously hard to provide care for our patients, and to those in need of our services. 

The Information Commissioners Office has recognised the current situation in the NHS  

We strive to be transparent and to work with an open culture.  But at this time, whilst care of our patients and the safety of our staff takes precedent, it is likely that responses to some requests for information or records will be delayed.  We apologise for this position in advance, and will endeavor to provide you with as much information as we can, as soon as we are able.

It may therefore take up to the statutory deadline of 3 months in certain cases to respond to Subject Access Requests.

For Freedom of Information requests, the Practice will try and continue to process them as normal, but this will be dependent on the availability of staff. 

If you have a complaint linked to how we are dealing with requests, please contact the Practice as noted on our website.

NHS Your Data Matters

Information about your health and care helps us to improve your individual care, speed up diagnosis, plan your local services and research new treatments.

In May 2018, the strict rules about how this data can and cannot be used were strengthened. The NHS is committed to keeping patient information safe and always being clear about how it is used.

You can choose whether your confidential patient information is used for research and planning.

For more information about your data rights please visit 

Your Information Matters (easy Read)

ICB Wide patient advice SMS Programme

CCG wide patient advice SMS Programme

Please read below to see how your personal data is used in line with iPlato SMS invitations to the cervical screening programme:

  • iPlato Healthcare will be sending text messages to all consenting patients registered at practices across Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge CCG’s catchment area.
  • The wording of the text messages will be consistent with the national advice and will change in line with this guidance.
  • This SMS Programme will be in addition to any existing programmes. Please note that, upon sign up, no further interaction will be required by GP Practices.

Data Processing and Data Sharing Summary

    1. iPLATO will facilitate the ongoing extraction of client demographic data via the practice clinical system phonebook, for which the data will be minimised as far as possible.
    2. All data is processed within the HSCN network.
    3. Only patients who have consented to receive SMS will be contacted.
    4. iPLATO Healthcare acts as a data processor for this service.


Health Intelligence (Diabetic Eye Screening Service) Privacy Notice

The Practice shares your diabetes related data with the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme operated by Health Intelligence (commissioned by NHS England).

This supports your invitation for eye screening (where you are eligible and referred by the Practice) and on-going care by the screening programme.

This data may be shared with any Hospital Eye Services you are under the care of to support further treatment and with other healthcare professionals involved in your care, for example your Diabetologist.

For further information, take a look at Health Intelligence’s Privacy Notice on the diabetic eye screening website: 


To make an application for a SAR, please see further information below

Subject Access Request Leaflet

Freedom of Information Act and Subject Access Request Update - March 2020

Data Processing and Data Sharing Summary

Please click the link to see the latest updates to the East London Health and Care Partnership Information Sharing Agreement