Women between the ages of 25 and 64 are invited for regular cervical screening under the NHS Cervical Screening Programme. This is intended to detect abnormalities within the cervix that could, if undetected and untreated, develop into cervical cancer. National policy is that women are offered screening every three or five years depending on their age. Women aged 25-49 are invited for routine screening every 3 years, whereas those aged 50-64 are invited for routine screening every 5 years.
Women's Health
NHS Cervical Screening Policy

New Mums and Mums-To-Be
Have you recently discovered that you are expecting a baby?
If congratulations are in order, you can self refer yourself for ante natal care at the local hospital or birthing centre of your choice.
Go to https://bartshealth.nhs.uk/maternity#Making - and read all the information available before scrolling down to "Your Appointments" and selecting "Making your first appointment - How to be referred".
Complete the relevant form for the hospital / birthing centre that you wish to seen at with all necessary details, before emailing it to them at the address on the bottom of the form.
You will receive an appointment for a scan at approximately 12 weeks if you have not already reached that milestone, and continuous ante natal support from then on.
Midwife clinics are held at Loxford Polyclinic.
If it is not such a happy occasion for you, it may be worthwhile speaking to either:
- British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) https://www.bpas.org/
- Marie Stopes https://www.mariestopes.org.uk/
- The National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS) https://www.nupas.co.uk/
Baby Clinics
Mother and baby 6 week checks are carried out at the end of the morning sessions.
Childhood immunisations are carried out daily by out on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays by our practice nurse.
Appointments must be made in advance for these clinics.
Pertussis Vaccination
Pregnant women are offered a whooping cough vaccination from 16 - 32 weeks, but preferably from 20 weeks onwards, to provide early protection for newborns, when the risk of whooping cough is greatest. Please book an appointment with our nurse at reception.